The right choice for your measuring instruments
Opravy měřicích přístrojů
Poskytujeme profesionální servis měřicích přístrojů s vysokým procentem úspěšnosti oprav. Kvalita námi nabízených služeb je garantována certifikátem ISO 9001.
Více informací
Kalibrace měřicích přístrojů
Naše Akreditovaná kalibrační laboratoř č. 2273 nabízí kalibrace podle standardu ISO 17025. Pokrýváme celé spektrum měřicích přístrojů vyskytující se na evropském trhu.
Více informací
HES, s.r.o. is a service and calibration-oriented company for measuring instruments and devices of the whole range available in the European market. Our
accredited calibration laboratory no. 2273 carries out impartial and
independent measuring instruments calibrations in the scope defined in the
scope of accreditation. We are an
ISO 9001 quality certificate holder. We guarantee high technical skill and expertness in performing measuring instruments calibrations and repairs.
Measuring instruments: repairs and service
We perform
repairs and service of measuring instruments manufactured by Chauvin Arnoux, GMC-Instruments, Grundig, Metrel, Agilent (Hewlett Packard). Thanks to our team of well-trained technicians and many years of tradition in maintaining your measuring equipment we are able to provide you with service for actually all measuring instruments including special equipment.
ISO 9001 certificate guarantees the quality of our work.
Measuring instruments calibrations: in house & on site
The same attention as to the complete
service of measuring equipment is paid to calibration for measuring instruments. Another reason for you to choose our
calibration laboratory may be that we offer and can perform instant service of those instruments that fail meeting specifications.
Accredited calibration laboratory no. 2273
Our accredited calibration laboratory no. 2273 performs
electrical quantities calibrations and
pressure calibrations in house & on site. HES s.r.o.’s accredited calibration laboratory no. 2273 personnel are also able to perform the calibration service on site or express calibration.